Web Design And Hosting

Web design

Domain name and site hosting

Multiplatform integration

On-site advertisement

Website maintenance

Content Development

Social media content

Editorial articles

Press releases

Graphic design

Consulting Services

Social media management

Social influencer management

SEO integration

Brand affiliation integration

About Us

Diversity Inspires Us

Like humans, whales can develop distinct languages and cultures that they teach to other groups they meet.

Our Outreach Is Global

Counting all cetaceans such as dolphins and porpoises, there are 90 whale species swimming around all five oceans of the planet.

We Understand Your Needs

It is important that a group of whales "sing" together the same song at the same key. Those that don't become isolated and remain lonely for the rest of their lives.

We Are Focused On Your Growth

Blue whales are the largest animals in the world. A baby blue whale can gain up to 200 lbs a day!

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We Love What We Do

Beluga whales seem to enjoy music. It has even been observed that they are able to "dance" in rhythmic movements.

Authenticity And Accuracy Is Key

Unlike what their name suggests, no wild killer whale ever actually killed a human being.

We Strive To Be Sustainable And Ethical

In the Arctic Seas, bowhead whales can live for over 200 years, making them one of the longest-living mammals in the world.

Creativity Comes From The Smallest Spark

Humpback whales are quite large, but their food source is extremely small. They filter feed on krill, plankton, and schools of tiny fishes, ingesting nearly 5000 lbs of food every day.

We are Baleine Inspire.

Get in touch


Burnaby, BC
